I have already done a post of the morning of 18th July 1944,Operation Goodwood.
Following are some photos of the battlefield today from the afternoon of the 18th & 19th July 1944 concerning the 11th Armoured Division.
The morning advance, after the use of heavy and medium bombers for the first time in conjunction with a ground attack followed by the extensive artillery fire plan, saw the 11th Armoured Division move forward without to many problems as the defenders regrouped. From late morning things started to change for the 3RTR, Fife & Forfar & 23rd Hussars as they battle past Cagny, & Grentheville towards Hubet Folie and Bourguebus.
Most of the 126 tanks lost on the first day of Operation Goodwood were in these fields.
fife forfar yeomanry

line de mines

german view

killing fields

signs of battle