Follow the landings of the 1st Infantry Div at Omaha Beach on D-Day.
Leading with the 16th RCT , landing over Easy and Fox sectors , exits E1,E3 & F1, defended by WN 60- WN 65. After the bombardments failed to reduce the defenders . The assault wave of E,F, I & L companies, lacking any real support and a staggered landing , ran into a hornet’s nest of defenders.
Discover the stories of Cpt Finke’s F Co & Sgt strojny, how Lt Monteith’s leadership led to the opening of the first exit. Lt Spaldings advance through the minefield and destruction of WN64.
Cpt Dawson’s advance on Colleville.
Learn how the Big Red 1 overcame the german defenses as the morning wore on , the use of the navy , the opening of the E1 exit
Follow this and more about the landings of the Big Red 1 on a Omaha Beach tour with D-Day Landing tours