Touring D-Day & Battle of Normandy sites

Touring D-Day & Battle of Normandy sites

One of the real joys of touring Sword beach and the advance inland, is to visit the German 736 Regiment HQ , Oberst Krug’s command bunkers and defenses overlooking Sword beach. See the artillery ranges still painted on the observation post.

Westminster Dragoons

Westminster Dragoons

A great piece of history, for those cold winter days

bunker hunting

bunker hunting

A couple of great days bunker hunting with Benjamin Hebel, German history professor from Berlin, a real treat, Azville, Crisbecq, WN10, WN 9, longues sur mer.

Bunker Days Pointe de Varde, RA 109 St Malo.

Bunker Days Pointe de Varde, RA 109 St Malo.

 Some old and new photos from Pointe de Varde.

After Action Report

After Action Report

D-day Landing tours
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